Monthly Archives: September 2015

Met some cool dudes at Mr. Olympia 2015

Ed Coan and Coach David Alexander 2015-09-19 12.43.45 Mark Bell and Coach David Alexander 2015-09-19 12.46.53 Rich Piana and Coach David Alexander 2015-09-19 14.18.25

Ran into Ed Coan (World’s greatest powerlifter), Mark Bell from and Rich Piana (in the background).

Little girl takes out attacker using my B.E.T. Self Defense System (lol)

My system has to be the most natural to learn and apply even this little toddler can defend herself from unwanted advances. She chose a target (face), and through a tool (hand) moved her body weight forward and into her attacker taking his space. All she needed was a ball shot with a knee and this kid would be done. This is just something funny to watch. Don’t take it too serious. Coach David