Monthly Archives: December 2016

Karate Chop Knockout Compilation

Liver Shot for Self Defense by Coach David Alexander

In this video, I show you how to strike the liver in a self defense situation. I show several different strikes to both the right and left lobe of the liver and show what happens when the liver is struck. I added a lot of video clips that demonstrate the power of the liver shot or liver strike.

I have a lot more videos on my YouTube Channel.  Go there and subscribe!

The Karate Chop for Self Defense – Is it still a viable strike in the age of mma?

In this video, I am discussing and demonstrating the Karate Chop for self defense. Is it still a viable strike in the age of MMA? I show you what the best targets are to hit and demonstrate a few different strikes utilizing the Karate Chop… Hi Ya!

I have about 10 more new videos on my YouTube Channel.  Go there and subscribe!