New Review by an infantry veteran…

New review for my online self defense course… by Ryan Johnson

‘I have studied self defense for years. I’m an infantry veteran with combat training and experience. If you are wanting to protect yourself please review this course before taking anything else. I have wasted years training to defend myself and I could of spent 4 hours and not thousands of dollars. This man put all my doubts to rest. I used to train under professionals and they all act like their style is undefeatable. Let me tell you, this style would defeat theirs in a quarter heart beat. Krav maga, bjj, mma, savate, systema, jkd, wing chun, etc are like children’s books compared to this hbo special. Though this is not sport fighting of any kind it is a sure way to ensure you and your loved ones live another day. After this course you won’t need a gun, you will be the gun. Watch start to finish then criticize, don’t judge by what you see in the demo… You have only just begun to understand your potential and how powerful one man really is, in just a couple of hours.”

Check it out at

Real Self Defense in just 2 1/2 hours!

The fastest to learn and most effective self-defense system in the world! Taught to over 1464 Students in 79 Countries, and in over 25 languages! You will not be disappointed. Learn to defend yourself and your family from a violent attack. It only takes 2 1/2 hours to learn, not a lifetime of useless martial arts! Go to to learn more. Do it now! Coach David Alexander

Here are what people from all over the world are saying about “Self Defense Made Real Easy”:

5 Stars! by Jeremy P., “Just what I was looking for. There are so many self defense systems available today. Most are either to complicated to be used under severe stress or just complete nonsense. I’ve been involved in martial arts for 30 years and been studying reality based self defense for 6 years.”

“Self defense made real easy is the real deal, simple and effective. If you are looking for self defense that’s easy to learn, effective and can be used by anyone regardless of athletic condition, then purchase this course!”

5 Stars! by Sherrick D., “The realist, easiest to learn, most effective self offense. You will go from lamb to absolute LION at will after viewing and retaining this material once and reviewing it in your mind daily.”

5 Stars! by Dean D., “Simple, brutal, effective self defense for life or death circumstances. Addresses empty hand and weapon attacks.”

5 Stars! by Michelle O., “Practical lessons for a 100# female. B.E.T. is very easy to remember along with moving into the motion. David Alexander also explains how to prepare your own brain for self defense without a gym or class. I’ll be in NYC for 10 days and am more confident with the B.E.T. training.”

5 Stars! by Eric E.,
5 Stars! by Ken W.,
5 Stars! by Georgios T.

“Very easy to learn. I am confident that I could defend myself or my family and it only took a couple of hours to learn” Cindy A.

“David thank goodness I found you for your B.E.T. System. This is the best self defense I have ever seen…” Michael M.

“The information in this system is going to blow you away. You will never look at self defense the same way ever again!” Liz W.

Order Now!
ONLY $67 for my 2-Disc DVD Set CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW  I will get your order out right away.

-Or, watch immediately!  For the online version entitled “Self Defense Made Real Easy” CLICK HERE  (clicking will take you to the training platform to preview. You will not be charged until you decide to purchase).


Buy my DVD set

Click HERE to Buy my DVD Set.  Join over 1200 students that are now safer for learning my system.

Why Did Ronda Rousey Lose UFC 207? I show you exactly how…

In this video, I am going to show you how I think Ronda Rousey lost UFC 207. I also give you a chance to punch me in the face! Make sure to watch till the very end. I usually add additional clips and bloopers. Thanks for watching. Make sure to subscribe. Coach David

2017 Epic Q&A with Funny Clips and more…

2017 Epic Q&A including
Funny Clips, Rants,
Haters, Awesome
Self Defense Tips + BOB…

CLICK HERE to watch.



Welcome to my Epic 2017 Q & A viewer comments video!
In this video, I answer viewer comments, go on some rants,
pick apart haters and show some really cool self defense
moves.  I hope you like it.  With your help, we can explode
this channel in 2017!  I need you to share the video, like
the video, comment on the video and most of all…subscribe
to my channel.  Thanks, Coach David

Karate Chop Knockout Compilation

Liver Shot for Self Defense by Coach David Alexander

In this video, I show you how to strike the liver in a self defense situation. I show several different strikes to both the right and left lobe of the liver and show what happens when the liver is struck. I added a lot of video clips that demonstrate the power of the liver shot or liver strike.

I have a lot more videos on my YouTube Channel.  Go there and subscribe!

The Karate Chop for Self Defense – Is it still a viable strike in the age of mma?

In this video, I am discussing and demonstrating the Karate Chop for self defense. Is it still a viable strike in the age of MMA? I show you what the best targets are to hit and demonstrate a few different strikes utilizing the Karate Chop… Hi Ya!

I have about 10 more new videos on my YouTube Channel.  Go there and subscribe!


Running away from a fight-Elbow Spear-Indexing-Bladed Stance-and BOB Practice

Training #1 – Bands, Bodyweight, Boxing & BOB Training Series by Coach David Alexander

Keeping Elbow Tight While Throwing a Punch (revisited)

Starting to Train Again Plus Boxing Lesson

Boxing Lesson and Sparring with 12 year old Christian Alexander

In this video my youngest son is practicing his boxing and we do a little sparring. He hasn’t practiced his MMA in over 5 years, so we are trying to remember the combo’s I used to teach at my academy. I name combos instead of calling out a #. We are trying to remember the Yellow Belt combinations in this video.