Monthly Archives: June 2012

How I Got Into Homeschooling My Boys

To All:

I have been asked on several occasions on how I got into homeschooling my two boys (ages 7 and 10), so I decided to put together this little reference post.  I think that this community will enjoy it.  All comments are welcome either good or bad.  My wife had been researching homeschooling for a couple of years before I finally got interested enough to go on a full on research bender and was thoroughly convinced that this was the right thing for our family.

There is something you need to know about me.  When I get into a subject, I read and study everything I can on that particular subject.  I will read/research 14 hours a day, everyday for months on end.  I will study Books, Blogs, Websites, Articles, Magazines, Online videos, DVD’s, Conferences, Seminars, Etc…  I keep researching until I either burn out or am thoroughly convinced that I have learned all that I need to know about a particular subject.  I’ve done this with:  Golf (turned pro in 1 year), Homeschooling, Nutrition/Diet (read my kindle book David’s Diet:  Lose Weight Fast–No Exercise Required; Just one man’s very opinionated opinion on diet and exercise), Strength & Conditioning (read articles here for youth, women and men, Mixed Martial Arts (, Self Defense ( and and am constantly studying Economics/History/Politics/Investing.

Another thing you need to know is that I am just a resource and you are your own teacher!  Have fun reading and researching!  Coach David

Here is the question I hear the most, “but what about socialization?”  To everyone’s concern about “socialization”, here are a couple of good articles (click on the titles to go to the page and read):  My boys (ages 7 and 10) get to “socialize” in the real world and attend martial arts classes, go to the pool, go to summer camps, chess tournaments, socialize with adults on a regular basis, go to the library, go to restaurants on their own (I’m nearby watching, but they don’t know it), order and pay (with tip), and many, many field trips because we are not bogged down by a typical school year schedule.

Socialization: Homeschoolers Are in the Real World    ”Academically homeschoolers have generally excelled, but some critics have continued to challenge them on an apparent “lack of socialization” or “isolation from the world.” Often there is a charge that homeschoolers are not learning how to live in the “real world.” However, a closer look at public school training shows that it is actually public school children who are not living in the real world.”

What About Socialization?   ”Socialization is actually meant to prepare children for the real world, which means learning to interact and deal with people of all ages, races, and backgrounds,” says Diane Flynn Keith. “In this case, homeschooling actually does a better job of this because homeschoolers spend more actual time out in society.”

Homeschooling and the Myth of Socialization  “A family member asked my wife, “Aren’t you concerned about his (our son’s) socialization with other kids?”. My wife gave this response: “Go to your local middle school, junior high, or high school, walk down the hallways, and tell me which behavior you see that you think our son should emulate.”   Meanwhile, in public school, children are segregated by age, and have very little interaction with other adults, except their teacher(s). This environment only promotes alienation from different age groups, especially adults. This is beginning to look like the real socialization problem.

Research supports this:  According to Home Schooling and the Question of Socialization by Richard G. Medlin, “Home-schooled children are taking part in the daily routines of their communities. They are certainly not isolated; in fact, they associate with–and feel close to–all sorts of people.”

-What I do with my kids:  Basically reading, writing and math (everything else they can learn on their own).  I focus my efforts on teaching my kids how to learn.  If they know how to learn, then they can learn anything they want (educate themselves). My kids are their own teachers (autodidacts) and I am just a resource for them.  My curriculum is what is called “classical” or Grammar Stage, Logic Stage and Rhetoric Stage (look up and read about “Classical Education”).  I learned this from Chris Duane at although I cannot find the particular article again to reference here (here it is .  There are also tons of experts out there that can teach for barter or a small fee.

Reading:  They read whatever they want.  If you require reading and force them to read certain books, then that will link reading with force and no fun.  (I try and “encourage” them to read certain books, but do not pressure, well not too much anyway).  I do require that they read classic nursery rhymes (I really don’t have to “require” because they love to read them anyway).  You would be surprised on how many modern books, movies, plays, etc… reference classic nursery rhymes, but you wouldn’t know it unless you’ve read them.

Writing:  They do a program called Spelling Workout and they also do “copy work” (open a classic and copy a paragraph or two) of the great writers just like in the old days.  This way they get to see how paragraphs and poems, plays, etc… are properly written, without them getting frustrated trying to write original content.  I also do a cursive writing program that you can see here:  We tried to do the Latin program, but the kids weren’t into it, so we stopped.  If they want to later, we will do it again.  We have hired Spanish tutors in the past and they both loved it.

Math:  I use Math Mammoth .  I have probably looked at and tried 10 different math programs (including Kahn Academy) and have settled on Math Mammoth.  It is really good and not too expensive.

 Other Resources:  (great site.  You could just get all your stuff from this site and you would have the smartest kids around.)  (Great Classical Education site.)  (We use her world history books, go to museums, travel, study maps, and also reference the internet/netflix for history and geography.  Isn’t it better to actually do things, than just read about it???)

-When they’re older I will have them go through Chris Duane’s Sons of Liberty Academy and Tom Woods Liberty Classroom to learn economics and “REAL” history.

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto and Thomas Moore (Feb 1, 2002)

Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto (Apr 1, 2010)

7 Keys of Great Teaching from  There are seven principles of successful education. When they are applied, learning occurs for any learning style or interests. When they are ignored or rejected, the quantity and quality of education decreases.

  1. Classics, Not Textbooks
  2. Mentors, Not Professors
  3. Inspire, Not Require
  4. Structure Time, Not Content
  5. Simplicity, Not Complexity
  6. Quality, Not Conformity
  7. You, Not Them

Rules of Learning from Clark Aldrich

● Learn to be; learn to do; learn to know.
● Tests don’t work. Get over it. Move on.
● What a person learns in a classroom is how to be a person in a classroom.
● Animals are better than books about animals.
● Internships, apprenticeships, and interesting jobs beat term papers, textbooks, and tests.
● The only sustainable answer to the global education challenge is a diversity of approaches.

Here is just a small list of the books I have read on Homeschooling (attached).  Start with the Teenage Liberation Handbook, and then just keep on reading.  Anything by John Holt or John Taylor Gatto is good.

I can just give you the tools to start you on your journey…you need to pick them up and put them to use…  Coach David

8 attachments — Download all attachments

The Teenage Liberation Handbook.pdf
5361K   View   Download
An Underground History of American Education.pdf
2426K   View   Download
How Children Fail by John Holt.pdf
841K   View   Download
How Children Learn by John Holt.pdf
1285K   View   Download
Never Too Late by John Holt.pdf
1343K   View   Download
962K   View   Download
Teach Your Own.pdf
1308K   View   Download
Everything We Think About Schooling Is Wrong John Taylor Gotto.pdf
69K   View   Download

Thanks for reading!  Coach David (check out my new site at

Self Defense Seminar for Women Only

We had so many people sign up that I ended up running two seminars back to back.  The seminar was pretty intense at times, but I tried to throw in enough humor to break the tension.  We definitely cover some serious topics and use tactics (targets over techniques) that are rarely taught in other seminars.  Thank you to everyone who participated.  I will not be doing another seminar for awhile on San Juan Island, but you can schedule a private lesson (Private Lesson Flyer.pdf).  Coach David

Here are some of the comments:

“Brutally effective—Thanks!”  Cady D  (Executive Assistant)

“It’s amazing how much unknown power we have and this seminar helped me discover it”  Kori R.  (Student)

“Coach David did a great job of getting us “in the mood” to save our lives.  I now feel prepared to help myself if I am ever in a position where I need to”  Roxanne B.  (Student)

“This has been really enlightening, I feel safer.”  Kasey R.  (Student)

“I thought this class was very helpful and I feel more safe.  Also David was a very good coach!  Thank you”  Meagan A.  (Student)

“Now I feel more empowered and confident in my abilities to survive”  Maddy M.  (Student)

“It was a very empowering class, fast and interesting”  Rita M.  (Homemaker)

“I very much enjoyed the class.  I learned things that I can see myself using”  Thank you!  Morgan D.  (Horse trainer)

“I liked the class, it makes tons of sense.  Thanks a lot!”  Elaine B.  (Clerk)

“Interesting lesson”  Lainey V.  (EMS)

“The focus on injury rather than technique and the B.E.T.”  Dixie D.  (Waitress)

“Great Class!”  Ann T.  (Stay at home mom)

Buy my new book for Kindle! Only .99 cents!

You can buy my new book for your Kindle!  Only .99 cents.  Please read and give me 5 stars and a great review if you liked it.  Thanks, Coach David

DAVID'S DIET: Lose Weight FAST! No Exercise Required!!!

Book illustrator needed…

Are you an artist?  I need a book illustrator to add drawings/pictures/fun stuff to a book I just finished writing.

The title is DAVID’S DIET:  Lose Weight Fast!  No Exercise Required!!!  Just one man’s very opinionated opinion on diet and exercise.  It also includes the FREE Bonus:  How I Lost 23 lbs. in 30 Days Eating Fast Food.

I would be willing to trade private lessons in strength & conditioning or self defense if you are interested.  You will also have an illustrations by (name) credit.

Contact me at the gym or by email at coachalexander @

Thanks, Coach David

Filled up! We are taking 2 more for the wait list, but that’s it.

Womens Only Self Defense Seminar on Monday June 18th from 5:30pm – 7pm.  Print this flyer Women Only Self Defense Seminar Flyer and sign up at the front desk.  VERY limited spots available!   Thanks, Coach David Alexander (Self Defense Expert)

Only 4 spots left! Hurry before they’re all gone!!!

Womens Only Self Defense Seminar on Monday June 18th from 5:30pm – 7pm.  Print this flyerWomen Only Self Defense Seminar Flyer and sign up at the front desk.  VERY limited spots available!   Thanks, Coach David Alexander (Self Defense Expert)

Vital Targets for MMA Seminar

ATTENTION:  To All MMA Schools.  I have recently developed a Vital Targets for MMA Seminar.  If you would like to host a seminar, please contact Coach David Alexander at coachalexander @

Check out my other site at for more info.


Vital Targets for MMA Seminar Flyer.pdf

If you would like your school to host a Vital Targets for MMA Seminar, then let me know at Coach David Alexander coachalexander @

Vital Targets for MMA (A New and Unique Concept for MMA):  This, my friends, is THE FUTURE OF MMA!  Learn it now or get left behind!  This is the future for a NEW BREED of SMART FIGHTERS.  The fighters who learn this concept will have a unique and distinct advantage over their un-educated opponents.  In this lesson, I will explain where the targets are and what happens when you properly strike them.  I’m adapting these unique skills from my close quarters/hand to hand fight training and anatomy knowledge (  Talk about having an unfair advantage!  Do you know where there are clusters of nerves on the body that can short-circuit your opponent and weaken him?  Where is the best place to knee, kick or strike the legs in order to cause a “dead leg”, that can slow down your opponent or even end the fight?  Where is the vagus nerve and what will it do when struck?  Where is the “burrito expeller” and why do we want to hit it?  Have you ever fought for an armbar and not been able to strip your opponents grip to finish?  I will show you a special legal target that you can strike which will cause your opponent to lose his grip (and this target is not on the arm at all).  There are many more like this…

Talk about having an unfair advantage!  Do you realize how much effort a fighter uses to punch and kick with no specific target in mind?  I call this “Punching Meat”, because that’s all you’re doing.  Most fighters spend a majority of their time trying to knock someone out, but never set up or aim for a specific target.  Repeatedly hitting your opponent in the middle of his face looks good and will score points, but it does not knock someone out!  Or ask yourself this, how many roundhouse kicks to the right side of the body end up taking someone out?  I’m willing to bet that you’ll end up getting taken down (and losing points in the judge’s eyes) more often than scoring points with this kick.  It might get the fans excited, but it will do limited damage…and you’ll waste a lot of energy with limited results.  The better spot to aim for would be the Saphenous Nerve (easier to hit with less energy spent).  Fighting, without aiming at a specific “Vital Target” is like trying to hit the bullseye of a dartboard by randomly throwing darts at a wall.  If you want to knock someone out or do major damage then you need to focus on striking the “Vital Targets for MMA” not just Punching Meat!  Spend your energy and focus repeatedly aiming at the bullseye (Vital Targets) with every strike and you will hit it, KNOCKOUT!

These targets may not mean anything until you see me hitting them on video or in a seminar.  It takes a proper set up, feints & fakes to get to these targets.  This is what makes someone a professional fighter.  I will show you how and when to strike these targets.  One target can cause a spinal reflex that will open up another target.  You must know how to hit these targets and with what strike.  Thanks, Coach David Alexander (Self Defense Expert)

You must practice very slowly to make sure you’re hitting these targets exactly…otherwise your just “Punching Meat”!

Only 6 spots left. Hurry before they’re all gone!

Womens Only Self Defense Seminar on Monday June 18th from 5:30pm – 7pm.  Print this flyerWomen Only Self Defense Seminar Flyer and sign up at the front desk.  VERY limited spots available!   Thanks, Coach David Alexander (Self Defense Expert)