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Whip Palm Strike by World Famous Self Defense Expert Coach David

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WARNING! Don’t ever do this! You could kill someone!

A whip palm strike can is generally aimed at the bridge of the nose for a quick strike to set up an escape or a second strike. A bridge of nose strike will cause the eyes to water and severe pain. Use this as a distraction to move in for a takedown or another strike such as a knee to groin or an elbow/forearm to the vagus nerve. Check out for more free self defense videos and tips! Coach David Alexander

Cool (unique) Gun Disarm by World Famous Self Defense Expert Coach David Alexander

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WARNING! Don’t ever do this! You could get killed!!!

My gun disarm is quite different than you might normally see in typical self defense videos. I am not trying to focus on controlling the gun (tool) but I am focused on taking out the real weapon, which is the brain of the attacker. The best gun disarm is to kill the attacker and just go pick up the gun afterward!